
Saving the Villain Who was Abandoned by the Female Lead

Methods to Save the Villain Who Was Abandoned by the Heroine, Saving the Villain from the Heroine, 여주에게 버려진 악당을 구하는 방법
“MSaving the Villain Who was Abandoned by the Female Lead Warna
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Saya mencoba untuk menyelamatkan pemeran utama pria, yang diracuni oleh pemeran utama wanita, tetapi kecelakaan terjadi! Dia bilang dia akan membalas budi, tapi dia secara acak mengirimku ke penjahat paling terkenal, Keluarga Assassins ?!

Status Ongoing
Type Manhua
Released -
Author Yeon-Bi
Artist Bokhee
Serialization -
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Chapter Saving the Villain Who was Abandoned by the Female Lead