
Fuufu Ijou, Koibito Miman.

More than a Couple, Less than Lovers., More Than A Married Couple, But Not Lovers., 부부이상, 연인미만, 夫婦以上、恋人未満。, 夫婦以上,戀人未滿
“MFuufu Ijou, Koibito Miman.
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Yakuin Jirou a third-year High-School student hopes that he will get his first love from the same class Sakurazaka Shiori as practice partner in his High-schools mandatory "Couple-Practical". In this practical, students have to demonstrate that they have the necessary skill-set to live on their own with a partner of the opposite sex while presenting a certain level of harmony to the video surveillance that grades them.Unfortunately random chance put his slighty subdued self into the practical with the person most opposite of him, the Gyaru Watanabe Akari. Akari on the other hand hoped to be… More…

Status Ongoing
Type Manga
Released 2018
Author KANAMARU Yuki
Artist KANAMARU Yuki
Serialization Young Ace (Kadokawa)
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Chapter Fuufu Ijou, Koibito Miman.